Sunday, September 02, 2012

It's a New Day

Today is the first day of the newest chapter of my life.  I have never lived anywhere longer than 4 years, and I don't seem to be able to stay in the same job for more than that either, despite my sincerest best efforts.  This is just the way my life seems to roll.  But  I thought I was settling down here.  My husband and I bought our first house - which I love love love - and I had a full-time career-type job.  I had a baby and just as my leave was ending, I learned that my job no longer existed.  BONG!  Well, of course, right?


Since 2010, my friend Chandra and I have had a bookbinding gig called BeetleBarrow Books.  We've held workshops largely, and had a Summer Retreat in August.  (More about that later) and we are now selling Bookbinding Kits online on Etsy as well as the Hamilton Art Crawls and whatever other venues we can chuck ourselves into. 

But don't look under BeetleBarrow for the Etsy's under my business name: ReverseStitch.  I've had this shop since 2010, but the recent kits are the first things I've listed for sale there.  Why?  Lots of silly reasons.  I'm sure you know the type.  And all this time I've been making books.  And giving them away mostly.    And now I've started selling them, and have had wonderful responses!  I've been absorbing everything I can find about if it's possible to make a living selling handmade things.  While having a baby to look after.  I've found I'm not the only one!  And now I embark on being my own boss.  Stay tuned.